Blane O’Roark, CEO and Founder of City Boys
"Failure, outcast, lost, confused, anxiety, paranoid. These are just some words that describe the man I used to be.
I'm still lost. I don’t know if I’ll ever figure out that concept. But for now, I'm doing what makes me feel found.
Growing up, my parents were very strict. I couldn’t do anything. I had to always be sneaky. I also, was severely bullied in middle school. To the point where I deleted my vine account with 200k followers at the age of 13 to be cool. Back in 2013.
I ponder on it from time to time like what if I kept going but it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ll explain.
I wanted to be that kid who walked down the halls with everyone else in school. The star football player. The guy everyone talks about. The “cool” kid. The one who got all the chicks. I NEEDED to fit in.
I graduated high-school with this mentality and finally had the freedom to do whatever I wanted. NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
I’m here to tell you. Fighting your intuition works. It isn’t that difficult.
I fought my intuition so hard that I ended up becoming a terrible human being. One that only cared for himself, one that would do anything for attention, throw anyone under the bus for personal gain, post an IG story to flex any moment I got, a Dog Vs Dog Mentality, was very Rude to People, drank way to much alcohol, flexed women in my life to friends for approval and always was looking for fast success.
That is what the world calls a “cool” kid ladies and gentleman. Fuck around, chase it, and you’ll find out.
It seems glorious, but I can assure you. It is not the answer you’re looking for.
I was Living a life of lies for people who also were living a life of lies.
I tried being somebody I wasn’t so hard that I dropped a song with the Game on world star, wearing chains, holding up gang signs, and flipping off the camera while singing a song about struggle and pain.
Talk about authenticity….

I mean, check it out yourself. If you met me in person, this is not who I am at all.
I’m not here to rant. I’m here to be a guide. Don’t do what I did.
I acted like someone I wasn’t for people I didn't even like who were acting like someone they weren't as well!
It's a trap. It’s lonely. It’s depressing.
You will find yourself in an interview like Dan Bilzerian said live on TV, “Sleeping With Tons Of Women Hurts My Soul”
Commitment, accountability, responsibility, and being a man of God is what works for me.
God Will Stand With You.